The pelvic floor is of great importance throughout the life of all women.
The pelvis and pelvic floor are the center of the female body. It helps to keep the internal organs in place, and is of great importance during and after birth.
This wonderful complex structure of bones, nerves, muscles and ligaments is a very important part of our anatomy. So let’s learn a few things.
When we talk about the woman’s pelvis we think of both the bones and the muscles that hold our organs like a hammock.
So imagine, in pregnancy, when your body holds even more weight with a constantly growing fetus, the amniotic fluid around the fetus and a placenta that feeds your baby.
All this can cause various symptoms during pregnancy. That’s why it is important to think about both the bones and the pelvic floor muscles.
In the above image we show the bones and muscles of the pelvis. In our lessons here at Hera Family Care, we do face-to-face workshops with medical models to make it even easier for you to understand!
But for now, let’s take a closer look at what’s going on.
The anatomical view of the pelvis allows us to understand how complex the system that supports us is and how this can be affected, for example, by a pregnancy. What concerns us especially are the perineum, the urethra, the anus and the vagina. In our pregnancy education lessons we will talk in detail about their importance during childbirth.
The pelvic floor is an impressive combination of muscles, tissues, ligaments and nerves and all this is affected either anatomically or hormonally by pregnancy.
Some examples of pelvic symptoms encountered in pregnancy are:
- Urinary incontinence, which occurs both due to the pressure of the fetus on the urethra, and the increased weight that our pelvic floor holds
- Fecal incontinence, although a less common symptom, can be associated with weak pelvic floor
- The diastasis and pain of the pubic symphysis caused by increased weight held by the woman in pregnancy and the hormone relaxin (see the specific article for more information about pregnancy hormones).
What can I do about it?
The pelvic floor during our entire lives is something that we must protect daily. But why?
Because our pelvic floor is our center, and a lot depends on it throughout our lives.
The pelvic floor is important in our sexual life, in childbirth, in postpartum and in our later life, especially during menopause. Join our pelvic floor workshop for more information about the wonderful pelvic floor.