Pregnancy is often a beautiful time but it can also be very stressful. At Hera Family Care we offer tailor made maternity and pregnancy packages to cater to your every need.


Yoga Classes
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Physical activity during pregnancy is beneficial both for physical and mental health. In our pregnancy yoga classes we tailor each session to your needs with classes designed to deal with specific pregnancy related issues such as sciatic pain, constipation, pelvic floor issues and of course preparation for labour!

Childbirth Preparation
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In these sessions we will talk about all things birth related. We will learn about: The anatomy and physiology of birth and how this helps you, emergency situations and things to me aware of and how you can help your body to birth your baby. These can be face to face or online.
We will also go through some fun tricks and positions to help your baby to engage!

Physical Examination
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As midwives we are trained to care for women during their pregnancy. In our physical examinations we can check in on your health, your blood pressure, any concerning symptoms that require referral to the doctors and of course we can have a listen to your baby’s heartbeat!

Pregnancy Education
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In these classes we will talk about what is happening in your pregnancy, what to expect at each stage and we will check in on your mental wellbeing at each phase! We all know that a healthy happy Mummy means a healthy happy baby! These sessions can either be conducted on a one to one basis, as a group or even online.

Pregnancy Massage
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Pregnancy massage is a wonderful service to help you to relax and improve your sleep and circulation.

Psychological Support
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Pregnancy can be a difficult time with lots of anxiety and expectation both from ourselves and from your close environment. Together, we can help you to understand and process your feelings, learn to set boundaries and enjoy your pregnancy as the unique experience it is.

Pamper Day/Retreats
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On a Pamper day you get to spend a few hours starting off with pregnancy yoga with guided meditation, then a swim in the pool, a pregnancy education class and finishing off with a pregnancy massage and lunch!

Breastfeeding Classes
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In these classes we will go through everything “breastfeeding” and how to best prepare you for the wonderful journey of feeding your baby.

Partner Classes
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We like your partner to be involved so that they feel empowered and ready to advocate for you and your needs. In these classes we will go through how they can best support you at whatever stage of the journey you are.

Birth Plan
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Labour and birth are unpredictable and thus cannot be “planned”. However, in this session, if we have not worked together before, we will go through an overview of your birth options using our specially formulated document to ensure you have the information you need in order to feel safe and supported during your birth experience. These can be face to face or online!

Pregnancy Mindfulness & Meditation
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Mindfulness and meditation should be an integral part of our daily life as we often find ourselves in situations that require grounding. Pregnancy is no different. Access our mindfulness recordings if you need to take a breather and focus your mind.

Obstetric Violence
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Obstetric violence is sadly something that has been witnessed historically but it still happens. It is good to be aware of the rights to have to your body in childbirth to ensure you are never coerced into making decisions.

Perinatal Mental Health
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Perinatal mental health includes your mental health from conception until 1 year after your baby is born. It is an integral and vital part of your physical health and wellbeing. In our specialist perinatal mental health online seminars at Hera Family Care we will talk about the most common mental health problems during this period and how you can overcome them with the correct support.
Pregnancy Packages
Basic Maternity Package
Two online consultations a month with the midwife and optional add on with the psychologist-
Virtual or face to face Midwife Sessions
Chat Access with your midwife
Platinum Maternity Package
Two face to face consultations, pregnancy checks, prenatal yoga dietician and one session with the psychologist-
Face to face midwife sessions with education and pregnancy checks
Prenatal yoga four times a month
Chat Access with your midwife
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Group
Premium Maternity Package
Two face to face consultations per month, pregnancy checks and one session with the psychologist-
Face to face midwife sessions with education and pregnancy checks
Pregnancy Massage
Chat Access with your midwife
What you should know.

5 Steps to Financially Prepare for Parenthood by Aunjane Johnson
Here are some helpful tips on preparing for a baby

Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal mental health includes your mental and emotional health and